Eggman, I think you have missed pretty much all my points. I said the setup itself will be over $1000 and as far as how much over, that is not in my business to disclose such information as I am NOT the one who assembles these. I will highlight it for you below:
You are looking at over $1000 for this setup inclusive of dampers (as far as how much over $1000, I am not at liberty to disclose such information as I prefer Veilside himself to comment as prices may have changed since we spoke last)
And no, the setup DOES NOT include coilovers or camber plates ( I did not mention any in my post as that is up to the person who they are being built for as there are a many options when it comes to coilovers as to how to progress from here).
As far as damping characteristic between the two chassis, that is not what I am commenting on at all. Let me break it down for you
1) I am comparing the damping characteristics of the 8610 to the OTS yellow/red (AND physical comparison in shaft sizes between the AGXs and 8610s).
2) I am comparing the custom bodies between the chassis (not the dampers themselves) because the process is very similar between the 2 chassis to come up with the proper custom housings.
I hope this all makes sense to you now