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Thread: anyway to even out the height on rm springs?

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2011-06-02 12:24:47
i was afraid coilovers would be the next option lol..but i've already spent a good amount of $ on this set-up already along with swaybars and stuff...how about gc coilover sleeves?
2011-06-02 12:49:34
GC sleeves would allow you to run a 2.5" diameter spring of whatever rate and height you wanted. You could get a shorter spring with maybe a bit higher rate (the AGXs can't handle too much though), but you'd still be dangerously close to bottoming out the strut. =/
2011-06-02 15:59:26
i don't want a crazy drop..these nyc roads are horrible...i just want an even gap all around
2011-06-02 16:04:00
Others have suggested raising the rear to get the gaps matched, but no one has come up with a tested way to raise the rear; just theories.
2011-06-02 16:08:34
yeah i've read some of those i've even(flame suit on) looked into other springs and everything is more than a 1.5" drop...i think only the vogtlands were at 1.5" i've also checked h&r and they're a 1.3" drop but idk if it will give it an "un-even" drop like the rm
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