Yeah you might want to actually look at shock dynos or figure out where they actually are made or the valve design, etc etc etc
The ones linked looked like Ksport, Dsport, etc etc which are all rebadged of exact same coilover. Which you are right about being shit. Made by a somewhat new company with very weak valving, lots of cross talk, almost no compression dampening, and very linear plots.
BC on the other hand just started selling direct, but has been in business for much longer making dampners for other companies. I have a set that they made that isn't under their label that cost 2x what they charge for their label... And they are EXACTLY the same dampners internally. Some products that they also manufacture are cheap and internally are poor like Megan. But just because they CM crap for one company doesn't mean everything they make is. I mean if Sony released a crappy TV (which they have many times) does that mean ALL of Sony products are crap?