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Thread: B13 CSK Research Thread - OE diameter springs

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2011-01-07 15:41:34
If I had a tape measure handy, I'd get you some measurements, but I just moved out on my own, and things are quite a chaos now.

EDIT: Also, what springs were you gonna use again? Hyperco's or Road Magnet?

I'm a little worried about the fact that the B15 Fronts in the rear would cause a harsh ride when combined with softer (Hyperco) springs.

If this turns out to be true, I'd either go with some red inserts in the back, or KYB AGXs in the back.

If this would be the case, I have an extra pair (2) of B15 front inserts. Now, I might be able to find someone locally who would be interested in a similar setup, but if I can't, would you be interested?

However, MOT/Inspection is coming up in June, and I need to have assembled the struts before that. Any idea when you will be finished with your setup?
2011-01-07 15:58:23
Josh emailed me the length, barely over 2 ft iirc.

when will i finish this setup? i am struggling with the same questions as you. too maby people giving conflicting info... part of me wants to try the B15 strut inserts in the rear, and then i have the same concern as you about it beimg to stiff for my hypercoil gen ii springs.

about buying yours, it would have to be at a great price since Koni offers to rebuild their struts if you have your reciept.. i bought one of my B13 rear inserts from Koni for $180, and the other from a forum member for $70.
2011-01-07 15:58:35
how much is koni asking to re-valve and make your reds externally adjustable
2011-01-07 16:00:42
^ it was about $240 per strut, so it would be better to revalve an already externally adjustable insert like the B15 front insert, then we were looking at about $120 IIRC
2011-01-07 16:48:48
Edit: started typing this like an hour ago and just hit submit, and then saw the question had been answered.
2011-01-07 17:06:38
about revalving and making a strut insert externally adjustable, id only recommend it on a blown set of inserts that you can pick up for cheap/free.
2011-01-07 23:27:37
Originally Posted by Vector
Edit: started typing this like an hour ago and just hit submit, and then saw the question had been answered.

hey i saw your reply in my email (i'm subscribed to this thread) - do you want to sell those rear strut housings? I'd be looking at sending payment on the 15th of January...

Originally Posted by Vector
I should be able to get you numbers late this eve if nobody else has. I've got a stock rear strut sitting in the garage but I have an SCCA awards banquet to go to after work, so it'll probably be pretty late before I get home to the garage.
2011-01-08 17:04:06
Originally Posted by vqman
hey i saw your reply in my email (i'm subscribed to this thread) - do you want to sell those rear strut housings? I'd be looking at sending payment on the 15th of January...

I've got two sets, I think. One set is for sure blown, the others might actually still be good struts, one side is still on the car. I'll look at what I have and let you know, maybe late this afternoon or evening. They will all definitely be for sale (see my B13 Rally car thread in the Autocross/Rallycross section).
2011-01-08 20:54:59
the blown ones will suffice... :-)
2011-01-08 22:51:00
I'll snap some pics later and PM you. The blown ones are really rusty. They'd need to be blasted and repainted at a bare minimum.
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