Originally Posted by
I don't see how it was miscommunication... He left spring perches on... Now he is saying he meant to tell you that won't work? Sounds like he didn't fully understand what he was doing and/or made a mistake... NOT miscommunicate.
The misscommunication happened when you did not say "for coil overs only". He is or is going to add that to the description. As far as PhorB13 is concerned that was a big detail that was left out before he ordered them. And if he did what he said and told Mark they were for coil springs then there is no excuse, just a lack of knowledge on his part.

Originally Posted by
My fault Tekkie. Noted. So is paraphrasing okay then? Can I say that he wants to charge me $125 to fix the spacer issue, on top of what it initially cost me for the CSKs in the first place. I think that's pretty pertinent information that deserves some feedback, for sure.
I think you are SOL, unfortunately. Try and sell them and just get something new.
You will not win with him because "he did nothing wrong" and "you are at fault for not knowing what will and will not work" before you ordered your parts even though it did not state they would not work for coil springs. It really sucks that you are in the position you are in and just happened to get caught in this mess.
As stated he is no longer on the forum and people will have to go to him directly to get anything made. Not sure what happened but it looked like he was going good but then i think things got out of control and he wanted to make too many items without researching them correctly.
I love his post in his section about how people were sending him messages saying his customer service sucked and how that helped make up his mind. I was one of those people, he changed what i had typed in one of my posts in his section and i did not like that, so i asked him to delete it and that i would never buy anything from him. He got a little mouthy in his reply and then he posted about not serving the forum.