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Thread: problem after installing coilovers..

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2010-08-21 04:51:58
problem after installing coilovers..
originally i had eibach sportlines and kyb gr-2s.. it rode pretty good.
i purchased slightly used progress coilvers from a forum member and installed
just the fronts and they came out to be a little lower than the previous set up, so i left it and went for a test drive and now my steering seems like it has a mind of its own. like when i go to turn left the car will steer all the way to the left on its own and same thing with turning to the right.

it was too late to jack it back up to look for a problem but i was wondering if any of u guys have any ideas of what the problem would be..?

the original suspension (eibach/kyb) had no problems at all and all i did the swap the fronts out and all of the sudden my steering is all f**ked up.
help me out guys. thanks
2010-08-21 07:21:08
You need to do an alignment when you change suspension.
2010-08-21 11:39:37
Originally Posted by Cozzm0_AU
You need to do an alignment when you change suspension.

2010-08-21 13:01:49
i understand i need to do an alignment but, its soo hard to drive the car its almost dangerous because the car turns whenever it wants even on smooth roads.

basically i've installed coilovers before but this is the first time i've experienced this problem.

give me some opinions. thanks
2010-08-21 13:49:01
You probably have quite a bit of toe out. One quick solution is to set the ride height back to where is was with the previous setup. That should get it close enough to drive reasonably.
2010-08-21 15:20:27
Yea get an alignmet and you will be golden
2010-08-21 16:08:52
Or visually set your toe. When I installed my suspension, the toe out was so bad the car could hardly drive. So we adjusted the toe a few times until it lined up visually. It was enough to drive the car to the alignment shop.
2010-08-21 17:11:27
My first drive after my progress install was straight to the alignment shop. And let me tell you... That was some scary shit. I prolly should have stayed of the freeway ,lol.
2010-08-21 17:28:08
Originally Posted by dphillipsB13
My first drive after my progress install was straight to the alignment shop. And let me tell you... That was some scary shit. I prolly should have stayed of the freeway ,lol.

2010-08-21 20:44:20
thanks for the advice guys... i visually adjusted my toe in and it made a big f**kin difference.. matter fact almost perfect but im going to buy some camber bolts and take it to the alignment shop.
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