You might get more money if you take it to a metal scrap yard. You get $9/100 lb of scrap steel so at 1500 of a car shell and "whatever else" you are talking almost $140 bucks. At my scrap yard you cant have tires on the wheels (sawz-all takes care of that in no time if you don't want the wheels anymore), oil drained, hole in gas take. My scrap yard doesn't check for holes in the gas take or oil in the engine so a little less work for you. If you do take it to a scrap yard here is what you do:
If the wheels are aluminum turn them in separately with the tires cut off (more money, I got $35 of a worthless set of wheels).
Take out your radiator and any other easy to get out heat exchangers that are aluminum and turn them in separately (more money).
Drain engine oil.
Load car on a flatbed trailer.
If your scrap yard doesn't inspect very closely throw every piece of crap you can in the car to weigh it down (make the wifey happy and pad your pocket more)
Trust me, there is a business in hauling scrap metal if you have the truck and a trailer big enough to haul 2 cars. If you are good you can haul 2 loads per day at 4 cars per day. At least $600 a day, not a bad days work.
Here is what they use to unload your trailer: