I would love to know why tac welding is a bad idea? Next time I need a balljoint I am going to have to buy a whole new control arm. If your new balljoint was not sitting in the control arm and just sliding in and out the hole w/o tension, what would be the next alternative? The circlip is on the top. As far as MOOG balljoints are concerned, I can tell you 1st hand that you cannot use the AUTOZONE kit they give you and press them in. There is no disc in their rental big enough to go around the base of the balljoint.
It doesn't go around the base... It goes around the top and pop's it out the bottom.
Like I posted before.. It's not that hard to get them out.. Mine where in and out in 10 mins.
This is the kit I rented for autozone...And I used the long one on the far right and had no issues at all. And that was the first time I did it.. So I don't know what to tell you all..