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Thread: Beam Bending?

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2008-01-10 23:08:05
Beam Bending?
Since the tragic downfall of sr20forum i havent heard anything from the beambending party that was to happen @ jun's place sometime this spring... I guess that fell through?

also abit off topic.... the hyperco and RM are exclusive springs to the sr20forum? or just members like rob who brings us the groupbuys?
2008-01-12 01:48:07
All I know is I wish we could get one of there down in Fla.. That would be sweet!
2008-01-12 05:12:35
I'd be up for that as well if he'd ever come to Florida or the South. Maybe we should get a pool of us together and approach him about it? I'm still kicking myself that I didn't get this done a few years ago when it was easier to arrange.
2008-01-12 16:33:13
The key to get it pulled off is to make sure you dont have a bunch of slackers in the bunch. Remember this is Steve's spare time and he cant afford to just bounce around the USA. Get a group together, usually its like 5-10 over a weekend, of known people to pay. Steve wants to get it up front for travel and tool shipment costs. If you can even like get one person to brow beat people and like be the main collection point it might go easier. But one person being a slacker makes it not financially viable for Steve...
2008-01-12 20:20:53
Good advice, the last thing I'd want to do is piss him off. It's really great that he's even still willing to offer these services to our community.

If no one tries to set anything up for FL or the South East before next fall, I'll give it a shot. I'm moving back to Tampa in the spring.
2008-01-12 21:37:54
I'm down... What does it cost.. I never really got a straight answer about it. I know that there is many people in FL with b14's that I'm sure would love to have this done.
2008-01-13 04:00:21
remind me what beam bending is.
2008-01-13 04:23:30
Beam bending decreases rear toe up to 0 degrees, lowering rear stability and making the B14 a little more tossable through cornering. I need it bad, my car is an understeering machine with all that power up front.
2008-01-13 04:42:49
thats why ive never heard of this, its a b14 thing.
2008-01-13 10:48:41
Originally Posted by mr_cool_guy
thats why ive never heard of this, its a b14 thing.

Yeah... you wouldn't understand.
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