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Thread: Beam Bending?

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2008-02-05 18:11:55
I think just a shop with a lift. Steve brings his own equipment I believe. Someone would need to double check on that.
2008-02-05 23:30:27
Originally Posted by zer099
If its with in 300 miles of Atlanta, count me in.

BTW, I think Steve wanted like $175 per car, plus if we all chip in on flight, hotel, & other we will be looking at about $250-$300 per person (counting that at least 6 people are doing it). Money which I have had in the savings acount for over a year waiting for one of these damn things to actully happen.

for 3 bills... I don't need it that bad.
2008-02-06 03:18:29
Steve brings thru his own thing, we had all of it set @ jun's place but dont know what happened to that...

and it wasnt going to be all that expensive, i believe about 150 a pop being w/ 6 ppl, we told him to stay a day or 2 longer and we'll cover the expense cuz we had about 15 ppl ready to go.. but that would be a weekend for him basically... ill try to see whats good with him
2008-02-14 04:44:37
Let me know when and where your thinking about setting it up and i'll let you know if i'm down, I got the money, and I noticed he used to live in VA back in like 04 or something.. damn wish I would've gotten my b13 done be4 I totaled it.. O well I got sn SE-R now and i'm much happier
2008-02-14 05:24:26
If you guys ever do a bending weekend at Texas, please post at Latin America section with time, a few Mexicans will travel to bend our B14's (Personally, I would take some good quality tequila for you guys & of course a couple bottles for Steve).
2008-02-14 05:34:00
If you don't do it your B14 won't handle no matter what you bolt on it.
2008-02-14 06:18:16

What he said.
2008-02-14 07:38:33
I'm up for orlando, I recall it being about $100-150.
2008-02-14 11:47:23
Originally Posted by Ninety-9
I'm up for orlando, I recall it being about $100-150.

That's more like it.
2008-02-14 16:12:22
I could careless what it costs, I just want it done. Last year Steve said:

Originally Posted by 98sr20ve
I have had some interest as of late. I get really busy with my job and just have zero energy to travel and do this type of thing. Recently, I have rearranged things so I am not so overwhelmed. It's possible that we could work it out for me to come to your area. I need a covered garage, with a relatively level floor. Six prepaid people for the beam bending $135 plus my travel expenses.

Planes tickets and a place to stay can add up. There is no way in hell I would ask him to come out to do this and shove him in a crappy motel. So, with $135+ticket and hotel I figured anywhere from $200+ each from 6 people. That and we still need a garage. Catch is you need at least six people in an area that WILL do this and not back out and waste Steve's time. The last few parties have been crashed because people haven't gotten thier $hit together with money or a day that works for them or Steve. If I have to call up my dad and have him take my car to have it done while I was at work I will just to have this done. People need to realize that they need to work with Steve, not themselves on this.

IMO, the best bet to have it happen is to collect the 6 people's money + ticket price (say $185 each), send it to steve and have him look at what days he could come out. Then have the guys pick whats best for them amognst the days Steve picked. Then work from there. If more people join in, great. The original 6 get some money back. If not, well at least 6 lucky bastards get this done.
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