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Thread: are my springs still good?

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2009-02-25 22:51:09
Originally Posted by Tommy
I couldn't tell you for sure since I own a B14, but I think they do. I'm sure somone will chime in.

I hope they do, because if the springs are still available and have fairly low miles...they're mine. Thank you for all of your help!
2009-02-26 01:09:34
A B13 is a B13 whether it be a sentra or NX.
2009-02-26 22:13:20
Originally Posted by xCONWRATHx
A B13 is a B13 whether it be a sentra or NX.

I have heard that the springs are different. Can anyone please confirm?
2009-02-26 22:15:47
Originally Posted by xCONWRATHx
A B13 is a B13 whether it be a sentra or NX.

That is incorrect, the NX springs are taller.

Edit: I believe it was Serban that once put NX springs on the front of his Sentra and it was much taller than the Sentra springs.
2009-02-27 13:27:02
If you can find the free length (uncompressed) specification for the stock springs, then you can measure the ones that you have and compare. If they measure within specifications, they are fine.
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