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Thread: street pads for ad22vf

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2007-12-31 09:34:34
street pads for ad22vf
hi all and thanks hope this is in the right place. i need a new hardware kit, gonna call around tomorrow and new brakes since the shop that did my wheel bearings messed these up. so what can i run with powerslots as a good street pad. no track time for my dd so i just need to get something good that stops the car. thanks all.
2007-12-31 09:42:09
let me also add i would like to get these local since this is the dd down time wouldnt help. so i got like kragen pep boys auto zone ect....
2007-12-31 13:00:09
BEST pad you can do FOR STREET without getting a set from Matt is likely the factory pads. You can get them locally of course, but you'd likely do better pricewise to call up Greg at GSpec and ask him to send you a set. Less dust, work NOW cold or hot, than 'race' pads. If you're going to call Greg though, might as well compare those with Matt's pads.
2007-12-31 22:37:05
you can get some pads from some of the early dsm's also. there is a link on the other forum. http://www.sr20forum.com/autocross-rally-racing/192087-ad22vf-pad-options.html
this just gives you more options to find the right compound, etc. i personally like the hawk's that ive got right now. they dont dust much and they grip pretty good. the axxis ultimates are good but they dust like crazy. i think the hawk app is a dsm part number btw.
2008-01-01 01:18:25
2008-01-03 15:06:07
I would agree that the OEM pad which is made by Akebono is a very good pad. I have them on my nx. The Hawk hp + is a little grabbier, but almost three times as expensive. I run those on my SE-R and while I love them it might be just a bit overkill for street tires.
2008-01-03 15:16:31
OEM is fine.

I believe they're 549M's? Check on the commonly ordered parts thread in the general sr20 section.
2008-01-03 16:39:50
I'd say Ferodo Platinum (low dust), Ferodo FD, or Safeline Supreme Gold.
2008-01-05 23:08:41
Originally Posted by skeeter149
hi all and thanks hope this is in the right place. i need a new hardware kit, gonna call around tomorrow and new brakes since the shop that did my wheel bearings messed these up. so what can i run with powerslots as a good street pad. no track time for my dd so i just need to get something good that stops the car. thanks all.

You're leaving out the most important piece of info in determining pad selection....

What tires are you running?
2008-01-06 00:16:41
toyos i think. just got em. 205/50/15. but yeah gotta check which toyos get back to you.
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