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Thread: Foam Filling the chassis......

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2008-12-25 22:26:57
shawn b,
can you p[lease tell me were you got the handi foam kit? which kit it was(part#), and how much it cost you........

also were are you planning to ues it? ina b13 right?
2008-12-26 09:44:07
Originally Posted by SinisterSntra91
Let me know how the sound deadening works out for you as you will have it done and tested out long before I will.

Yessir. No problems. I am having Sal spray it on pretty much everything possible that makes sense.

Originally Posted by magoo_lc1
I just read through all these pages, pretty interesting. Cant wait to see the finished product

Thanks Matt. I am excited about it. Expecting it done about the end of January, early February.

I had to order some under-hood parts pre-owned from Dre. GregV could not even source them. One of which, the passenger side fuse box in front of the strut tower, was critical. Therefore, there was a minor delay. Then the HoliDaze. However, all the parts should be in this weekend. Mike will finish it off for test driving purposes. Then, when the Classic is running 100%, back to the body-shop for three weeks to a month.

Originally Posted by ashtonsser
oohhh that was a burn if i have ever seen one, haha

Shawn i cant wait to see your car once your all finished with it. Should be a hell of a sweet ride. Great job and keep it up.

Perhaps I was a bit curt.

I did not understand the sarcasm nor the "rolleyes." I have clearly explained my plans and exact purposes for the vehicle. 1/20 () of a second in the quarter mile does not mean squat to me for 50 lbs of NVH reduction and chassis rigidity goodness.

Thanks for the kudos. It will be just exactly the way I want it.

Originally Posted by PEDRONX2k
please make a detaild log where you intend and do use this foam filler....readibng this whole thread makes me want to try this and the sound absorber....

It will be detailed and photographed in full. Sal (body-shop dude) and I experimenting with the two foams. Where we are going to fill. What has to be taped, what has to be blocked off with wood cut-outs and tape. Every detail. And I hope to do the front rails, side rails, A-B-C pillars. That is the goal, we'll see if it is realistic or not.

Originally Posted by TheRealNighthog
FYI when I pulled the Tar out of my 200sx I weighed it at about 42 lbs. That tar is very dense and heavy if you didnt know. I figured that the B14 should come fairly close to the B13 in terms of amount of tar used.


That is an even greater weight savings than I thought. I know I could go check ~Knuckledusters~ Weight Reduction Thread on the B13 tar weight. In any case, the factory tar is going away. Good riddance. On to more advanced science.

Originally Posted by TheRealNighthog
Also another thing to consider for extra quieting is using the extra thik seals. I got mine from Precision Manufacturing. Its alot thicker rubber and quiets things down quite a bit over the stock seals. Only downside is you have to close the door MARGINALLY harder but its a null issue. I wasnt sure if you already ordered the new seals yet or not.

Damn, I have ordered the new seals. Except for one (1) door seal which GregV could no longer source in the U.S.. I wonder if I could PM the dude who sells OEM Tsuru lights from Mexico, and see if he could order them for me from South Of The Border? 99...something or other. Nice guy, I bought my lights from him.
Originally Posted by classicaddict
can you post a link? i just googled Precision Manufacturing and got about 100000000000000 hits for all kinds of stuff from tree clippers to garage door openers lol.

Originally Posted by TheRealNighthog
I would but the way I found them was that they worked right next to my work. I wish I could find them because they consolidated and moved to Ohio.

Damn. Because I would order a set of doorseals. Both sides, if they seal better than OEM. That would be kick-ass.

Originally Posted by PEDRONX2k
shawn b,
can you p[lease tell me were you got the handi foam kit? which kit it was(part#), and how much it cost you........

also were are you planning to ues it? ina b13 right?

Ahem....you haven't read the whole thread. ....


For the Handifoam, I went to their website - Fomo Products, Inc., manufacturers of polyurethane (PU) foam insulation, sealants, adhesives, and spray foam systems in pressurized packaging, called Customer Service direct, and they pointed me at Specialty products, which is the local distributor that would sell direct to me retail. You've probably got a specialized insulation company in your area that sells it.

There ya' go. That is the exact product and amounts that I purchased for testing, experimentation and evaluation.

Once Sal and I figure out exactly how much of each foam type we need, I will tell you guys what I order to do the entire chassis.

2008-12-26 16:26:00
I will try and get the info on the company when I got back to work on Monday for you Shawn.
2008-12-27 02:26:20
Originally Posted by ashtonsser
oohhh that was a burn if i have ever seen one, haha

Shawn i cant wait to see your car once your all finished with it. Should be a hell of a sweet ride. Great job and keep it up.

I thought it was a good question,with a good ,complete answer.
2009-01-06 06:07:14
I will be doing this to my spec-v in this summer. great info and greta read goodluck. I honeslty can't see any downside to this. I have the power to pull the extra weight so even if thsi goes flop on its face (which it shouldn't) its all good. But i'm thinking good things. Let me knwo which product you finnaly decide on I have narrowed ti down to the the two you were using, i stumbled upon this while searching their product names.
2009-01-06 18:54:09
Originally Posted by dread1
I will be doing this to my spec-v in this summer. great info and greta read goodluck. I honeslty can't see any downside to this. I have the power to pull the extra weight so even if thsi goes flop on its face (which it shouldn't) its all good. But i'm thinking good things. Let me knwo which product you finnaly decide on I have narrowed ti down to the the two you were using, i stumbled upon this while searching their product names.

Things have been going a bit slower due to the Holidaze. But we're back on track now.

Did you stumble upon this thread from within this forum? Or did an outside search (Google, whatever) turn up this thread? Just curious.

The Quietcoat (spray-on sound deadening) is in at Shepherd Square (mechanics) and I am going to go pick it up and deliver it to the body-shop (Alberts).

I have a few mechanical issues to address. My Classic needs some longer strut-mount bolts, should be an easy fix. According to the folks on this forum, press out the old bolts, press in longer new ones. Also needs a longer ground wire to the battery (aesthetics) as the old one does not reach the new Odyssey battery quite correctly. Further, I need a new OEM brake booster. Mine got dry during the 20 month breakdown and is "whistling." Mike (mechanic) says it may correct itself once fully lubricated again, but screw that, I am replacing the unit with brand new OEM. My current repair mantra is "if in doubt, throw it out." I am NOT having my brake booster die halfway to the Convention. F*ck that.

Should be all wrapped up mechanically by this weekend. Damn ordering of parts.....details, details, details.

THEN....it is off to Alberts. And a gazillion pictures.

Foaming Madness, Sound Deadening From Hell. Fully documented on both processes.

Then Sal can make the whole exterior of the vehicle 100% OEM Factory Fresh.
2009-02-02 20:39:24
any updates on the faom sealer in the frame shawn?
2009-02-03 17:06:26
Originally Posted by PEDRONX2k
any updates on the faom sealer in the frame shawn?

Later today in fact.

Just played with the products yesterday. Uh...they are NOT kidding about the air-temperature being above 75 degrees in order for the product to work properly.

Good timing. I am just now checking this thread, in order to go buy some more Handifoam and that other "pourable" two-part product as well. Whatever the hell it's called. I am going to buy plenty of both.

Then we just need a reasonably sunny, warm, day.

Luckily we are experimenting on body panels off a wrecked vehicle. Not my Classic.

Pictures, of our first "experiments" later this afternoon. Did I mention that both of these products absolutely require a warm (75+ degree) day to work properly?
2009-02-03 23:21:56
First we got a body panel to experiment upon, so we are not experimenting on my Classic.

Sal reads the directions.

We should be off to the races. But we are not getting foam.

We check the cans, pull off the lines, and one of the cans is definitely working. Jump back.

It should be working and it is not.

Looks like whipped cream, and is not hardening.

Glad this is not inside my Classic.

This is a side-shot of the idea, but that foam is only one half the equation.

The line for the hardener is screwed, hardener somehow got previously released and plugged the line.

After repeated attempts at clearing the line and making the dispenser work we checked the manufacturing dates. Seems OK.

Ain't gonna work, this time anyways. Trust me, we tryed. Dammit.

OK. Screw the Handifoam for now, I'll just buy more of it. We never could get it to dispense right. I am chalking this up to a manufacturer defect in the applicator system. This does not deter me in the least.

Let's play with the really strong stuff, the liquid 2-part, 8 lb density, pourable foam.

Gotta use a paint mixer on a drill next time. For sure.

In it goes.

And goes.

It is not really foaming much. We just have not figured out why.

We figured out why the foam was not expanding. Heat. Or lack thereof. The Handifoam wants 75 degrees ambient temperature. Apparently these products are very temperature sensitive. It seemed warmer, but it was only about 60 degrees in Houston the day in the pictures. Which is not warm enough.

After heating the body panel the foam expands like it should have.

The temperature was the problem. That foam you see in the pic that was properly mixed and at the right temperature is hard as oak wood. And as feathery light as balsa-wood.

This foam looks right. See the bit of foam along the lip of the metal, between the "pour hole" and the edge? That foam came out perfect.

After just a few minutes (with a heat gun) the 8 lb density foam is impervious to my hands. However, this screwdriver managed to punch through it.

We did that playing around last night. The Handifoam dispenser system was screwed.

I just ordered today another 16 lb size of the 8 lb density stuff. I also ordered six (6) of the Handifoams as pictured (they did not have the larger size available). Either amount should be adequate to do the entire vehicle chassis. Therefore I will have one (1) extra Handifoam and the rest of the pourable stuff pictured (two one-gallon containers) with which to experiment.

I overkilled my ordering, because I do not want to be delayed again. However, in the future (soon) I'll be able to tell you guys exactly what quantity of each product to purchase.

I will be keeping an eye on the Houston weather reports. All the newly ordered foam will arrive on Monday in mass quantities. When we have a sunny day, 75 degrees plus, that vehicle is getting foamed.
2009-02-04 03:04:03
HAHA, very cool. Nice to see some more progress sir.
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