Bad balljoint or CV axle?
I have an issue with a sound coming from the right front wheel. Sound varies with speed, not engine RPM. You start to hear it after the car has been driven 1-2 miles, it is not related to the brakes, as it occurs during braking, coasting, and accelerating. I jacked up the car and rotating the wheel, could not replicate the noise. Checked for a bad wheel bearing, wheel did not have any abnormal play. Under very very very light throttle the sound is the loudest, but as I give it more throttle the sound seems to dull/go away. It's sometimes really loud in neutral, sometimes I can coast without hearing it at all.
My balljoint is pretty bad, ripped rubber and the joint exposed. I have this feeling that it is the CV axle, or ball joint, or combination of the two, but if others can confirm or give new insight into this issue I'd greatly appreciate it.
The sound is like a low squeal/growl, if that makes any sense. Doesn't sound like a helicopter (ref. to search engine results).
My balljoint is pretty bad, ripped rubber and the joint exposed. I have this feeling that it is the CV axle, or ball joint, or combination of the two, but if others can confirm or give new insight into this issue I'd greatly appreciate it.
The sound is like a low squeal/growl, if that makes any sense. Doesn't sound like a helicopter (ref. to search engine results).