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RidinOnRails KYB GR2's r ok (decent shocks).... my brother on a 93 se got hyperco's & gr2's and ride is nice.... (nicer than his set-up on his b13 xe of ST springs and AGX's because the SPRINGS were crap and the shocks were great..) he's gonna save to get AGX's for the spring.... my 2cents
<~ the Brother. As my brother said.. I have Gr-2s and 2nd Gen Hypercoils on my b13 Se-r right now.. the ride is incredibly smooth, always dodging those infamous nyc pottholes of course.. I'm content for now.. (I was use to soft ST springs and the great AGXs) ..also as my brother said I will be upgrading to AGXs probably next year. The Hypercoils are amazing but for now i'll have them on gr-2s for a short period..
I've read the suspension threads on here and the other sr20 forum relentlessly so I don't need a lecture.. but I had to sell my old suspension to get my car and the brand new gr-2s and hypercoils came with it so I put em' on.. minds well right.. i'm going to ride out for now and upgrade later..
This isn't really my DD so it doesn't see much driving.. lol. I work a half a block from my house.. at night I drive. I've had a good experience with the gr-2/hypercoil setup but I wouldn't recommend for a DD or with lowering springs. AGXs all the way!