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Thread: Action item: B13 SE-R & NX2000 to FSP

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2008-06-24 23:17:06
Action item: B13 SE-R & NX2000 to FSP

The SCCA July FasTrack published a proposed move from DSP to FSP for the SE-R/NX2000, pre-'00 Neon, and '99-'00 Civic.

The following class listing change proposals have been submitted by the SPAC and are published for member comment:
Move from DSP to FSP (ref. 08-214):
Nissan Pulsar/NX2000, Sentra & SE-R, 1991-1994, all

The SE-R/NX2k, Neon ACR, and Civic Si in FSP would be a fun fight. These cars are so underclassed in DSP that it's a joke. FSP is the right move.

We need to send our support to the Street Prepared Advisory Committee. Issues like these don't get a ton of commentary. If a few of us wrote some e-mails in favor of the SE-R/NX2000 move, that would help seal the deal.

Send an e-mail to the board:

I just did.
2008-06-25 14:15:30
My letter is going to be really long.

2008-06-25 21:22:37
i think this will be a much needed move I currently run against an r32 and it is a joke that we are in the same class. I sent in my letter and I guess we will just wait and see.
2008-06-25 21:40:08
wait....is this also worded that the se-r and the nx is on the same line.....gosh what in the world are they thinking
2008-06-27 15:35:14
Originally Posted by Bowlcut
wait....is this also worded that the se-r and the nx is on the same line.....gosh what in the world are they thinking

The NX2k and B13 SE-R are already on the same line this year.

I already wrote that letter.
2008-06-27 17:49:51
Letter of support just sent. Just getting into the AutoX scene, but I can already see this would be a great move for us!

2008-06-30 22:22:07
I got a reply today from Brian Harmer that my letter had been logged.

Brian used to live right down the road from me and autocross in my region, and is an all right guy.

So at least we know the board will get our letters rather let them go into the e-trashcan.
2008-07-01 05:48:04
Just got my reply as well, Jim. Thanks for pointing this proposed change out. It could have significant impact on us campaigning SR20 powered vehicles, and heck, I'm all for it!

2008-07-02 04:20:39
mine was just logged as well cant wait to see the results
2009-02-09 17:52:35
hey guys I just looked at the 09 rule book online and it shows the nx and se-r have been moved to FSP for the new year
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