I've been attempting the two methods of steering described in Watts book (shifty hands or Zaccone) while puttering around town for the last week or so and both of them feel pretty unnatural and I have to think about them a lot while doing it-which I assume is not a good thing to do while racing. Does anyone out there actually do either style of steering. Is it worth learning how to do?
My other question is about downshifting. So far the races I've been to have been 1st-2nd gear only courses, with the last one being a whole lot of tight turns in 1st. What I do know is that my car does not like to downshift to first while moving at anything past about 15-20mph. I know it's not that long but it seems like it takes forever. Am I quicker with car at low RPM's in 2nd, or spending the time to downshift for a moment before having to upshift again? Is there a good way to downshift quickly?
My other question is about downshifting. So far the races I've been to have been 1st-2nd gear only courses, with the last one being a whole lot of tight turns in 1st. What I do know is that my car does not like to downshift to first while moving at anything past about 15-20mph. I know it's not that long but it seems like it takes forever. Am I quicker with car at low RPM's in 2nd, or spending the time to downshift for a moment before having to upshift again? Is there a good way to downshift quickly?