Originally Posted by blownb310
I see. I registered my SE-R and drive it to and from events now. It's much more fun getting there and saves a bunch of gas!
I see. I registered my SE-R and drive it to and from events now. It's much more fun getting there and saves a bunch of gas!
My car runs like a top, but its starting to feel like a chore driving in a gutted car for an hour worrying about what might break.
One of the regulars always drove 2 hours to our events on snow tires! And he's over 60.
I saw an advert for an interesting sounding rally-x event in AL this week. I think it was in the mid-atlantic section of another forum. They really know how to promote.
They are really kicking ass right now. There is so much interest and energy in Alabama, it is amazing. It is quite the opposite in my region.