So, this really has very little to do with the rally car, but I feel the need to rant a bit.
Rally-America requires that one have a hazardous liquid spill kit in a rally car.
So I ordered one from Susquehanna Motorsports (
Susquehanna MotorSports - High Performance Vehicle Lighting and Competition Accessories) and had it shipped to my office.
The UPS driver who covers this route is an unpleasant, bitter woman who bitches endlessly if she has to deliver a package that's more than a few pounds, and will take any excuse to not do her job (even with smaller packages).
I forgot the suite number on my shipping info. Yes, my mistake. She kicked it back to the sorting center. She knows damn well where our office is, and the company name
was on the shipping info.
The sorting center calls my home and leaves a message that it can't be delivered and that I should call them to have it redelivered and then they leave the tracking number, but it's so rushed and garbled that I literally had to listen to the message over 20 times to get the tracking number.
So I call them, and am told that they won't redeliver based on my phone call (which was what they called and told me to do...) but I would have to either wait for a postcard they had sent out, to the same address, (via USPS, which should make it because the USPS carrier isn't a douche) to arrive and then sign that and mail it back to them, or come pick up the package myself. Oh, and they would return the package to the sender on Fri (this is on Wed) if they didn't get the postcard back by then, which of course, it wouldn't.
So, I'm already pissed off, but I drive the 12+ miles to the sorting facility. Turns out that they are only over 7a-10a and 4p-7p. These hours being selected to maximize their desire to f*** over their customers. At least it was nearly 3 by that point and I only had to blow an extra hour and a half (by the time they actually found the package)...
So today I ordered up a Class III hitch receiver for my van, along with some nice, heavy hitch bars and balls. Normally I'd have them dropped at my house. But this time I made sure they went by UPS ground, and had them shipped to my office. Made 100% certain that everything was right on the address this time.
B**** can haul all that up to my office next week.
Think I need to order up a new Optima blue-top for the rally car too.