Did you get a chance to check your spring rates? That would be a big help. Yes you can easily get a light rear end and yes you can get snap oversteer, but for so many reasons from rapid throttle lift to under-spec front spring rates, alignment, sway, brake balance and braking modulation, it's a very long list. Just remember that chassis stiffening measures are first priority like a good LCA brace up front and the rear RTSB was a big help on my car.
Besides some lousy driving on cold tires, this is a great example of pushing the balance of the car way outside reasonable limits, those are 350 lbs-in springs buried up front. I run 450's today, but honestly here it's the recovery from a spin and ham-fisting the slalom that followed. Came back at it at way too sharp of an angle because it was a long course and was either going to make the gate or take down the cone so I wouldn't get the OC...fast course, too. I made a lot of changes in 2009 and the car is much better for the track or autocross than it was here on a cold CT March day...
thats so sick steve.. reminds me of knight rider!