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Thread: Please look at Dyno.

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2008-08-25 05:29:39
Please look at Dyno.
For your viewing pleasure. It was a nice day out, 78*F, 8% humidity, 4500 feet above sea level.

My performance parts are listed in my sig on my cardomain. Thank you! Please comment. It is a dyno tuned run. I did 15 of them and this was the best. Cost me only $50 because I knew the guy at the shop.
-91 sr20 intake cam
-weapon r header
-2.5" VRS magnaflow exhaust and resonator and muffler and hi flo cat
-s-afcII dyno tuned
-g20 ECU
2008-08-25 20:25:40
looks about right. get some s3 or s4 cams and it will make it come alive.
2008-08-25 20:27:18
definitly agree cams will really go nicely, and damn 15 runs! how much did that cost?
2008-08-25 20:42:24
on top of the cams, try and jump on some pullies to free up some extra power
2008-08-25 20:55:28
Decent #'s
2008-08-25 21:11:34
Area under the curve looks terrific. Torque curve looks great and power curve the same.

I see you have a SAFC, if you could try to get a tiny bit richer from 5,500 rpm on you'd make more power I bet. If you tried this on the dyno and didn't make any more power, I'd say the WBO2 sensor the dyno used was off. You should made best power at 12.8:1 A/F ratio, you're well above 13.0:1 at points.

Your numbers seem dead on for your mods.
2008-08-26 00:39:45
Good dyno .. here is another one RR motor
3 catback , ground kit, home made 3 cai timing at 20.
2008-08-27 07:49:13
it was 50 bucks for 15 runs. (i know a friend that worked at the shop and he was more interested in tuning my car in getting the most power out of it)

yes i used my s-afc II. I will try to get back and richen it up or just do it and use my ass to see what it does. Im good at doing that and confident I wont break anything.

I really want to get cams, pullies, and a lighter flywheel. Those are my most wanted material right now.
2009-02-23 04:49:16
Stratch pullies, I just want cams, flywheel, thermoblock spacers, and a new air filter.
2009-02-23 12:15:09
Are those numbers in wheel or in the flywheel ? And with what gas?
I am curious because at the moment i have a highport stock 10:1 motor and made 148 on the flywheel.
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