173.21 max HP 136.13 Tq and 169.93 max HP 134.86 Tq
Dyno runs are done. Not bad, but I don't have much to compare these numbers too, so I don't know whther they are good or not. The dyno tech seemed surprised and said it is good for solid 13's.
The dyno run was with my cam gears set at +2 int. 0 exh. Also I am wondering whether the 3" exhaust would actually detract compared to the 2.25" I had before. (buying a 2.5" is not an option, I got the 3" cheap enough to make it worth my while) I also have a 2.5" ssac header coming too. Right now I still have on the 2.25" pacesetter.
I am thinking of trying +3 int, -1 exhaust. Anyone have any input on settings other then that?