Please do elaborate or perhaps link to a thread where you experiences have been shared?
Under which conditions did you have problems with these?
If you over-rev (missed gear, etc.) you can find yourself in a valve-float situation, which means (worst case) your rocker arm stands a VERY good chance of coming off the HVLA (lifter) but still being lodged between cam lobe and valves... basically, your lifter will be stuck vertically between your retainers and your cam, and it can COMPLETELY DESTROY your cam, cam cap bolts, and in extreme cases, the cam journals themselves. I have done this personally - first hand experience.
Without the stoppers, it may come off, but, it will not stay in the way. The valves simply won't open, and, you'll come to a stop. This is actually a "side-of-the-road fixable" situation.
This is not to say it is certain you will throw rocker arms, but, if it happens and you have stoppers installed, it will most certainly cause permanent damage.