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Thread: slotted rocker arm shims?

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2012-02-01 17:55:37
The bad thing about rocker arm stoppers. If you over rev by mis shifting or under enough load and something gives, the factory rev limiter will not stop the motor from reving under that much force.

You float the valves enough with rocker arm stoppers, instead of the rockers dislodging, they will stay over the valves, and more than likely put a valve into the piston or worse toss a shim then drop a valve into the cylinder.
2012-02-01 22:05:28
So what RPM range would you guess I'm at, on my W11, with twin groove shims, Brian Crower springs/retainers, RR HLA's, but using the DET oil pump instead of the VE?.
2012-02-01 22:22:50
Originally Posted by NI
So what RPM range would you guess I'm at, on my W11, with twin groove shims, Brian Crower springs/retainers, RR HLA's, but using the DET oil pump instead of the VE?.

I have no idea but I am sure it will go to 8500 RPMs with no problems on JWT S4 cams
2012-02-02 06:31:35
Thanks, I always been more than happy anytime I've taken your advice or bought something from you.

By the way, your tranny bracket made my new Spec Stage 2 feel lighter than a stock clutch, plus I've still plenty of room for adjustment if I need it later.
2012-02-02 11:09:18
Originally Posted by NI
Thanks, I always been more than happy anytime I've taken your advice or bought something from you.

By the way, your tranny bracket made my new Spec Stage 2 feel lighter than a stock clutch, plus I've still plenty of room for adjustment if I need it later.

You are always welcome my friend and thanks for the support
2012-02-02 14:25:02
Originally Posted by Andreas
The inventor is right here

That's a bold claim. We actually do complete head service in our shop.
2012-02-02 14:42:40
I dont think its a bold claim. You guys have been in business since 04, Dre was doing this back in 98-99 timeframe. I remember threads about this on the old forum back in the early 00's if I recall.
2012-02-02 15:05:43
Originally Posted by Mazworx
That's a bold claim. We actually do complete head service in our shop.

Mazworx there are alot of things that you guys are great at but it does not mean that you are the best at everything SR20 or invented everything SR20/

Great Machine shop and great fabrication, I can admit that but there are alot of things others have done before the business Mazworx even started. You have to be able to respect that.

There are post about me doing this mod before your campany opened its doors or even before the owner came back from Japan.

Again do disrespect to the great things you have done but dont forget other peoples accomplishments that have come before you.
2012-02-29 02:47:55
2012-02-29 02:59:14
damn... wish i had read this thread before i built my engine a few weeks ago... would have been some nice insurance.
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