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Thread: I need a quiet muffler but not stock

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2012-01-27 08:39:21
I need a quiet muffler but not stock
The current 2.5" catback w/ straight thru muffler on my '93 SE-R is *RIDICULOUSLY* loud. So loud I can't stand it and it makes me not want to drive the car.

I need a recommendation for another muffler that is quieter, even if it has a silencer in it.

I don't want to go to a stock muffer and choke off the engine (have JWT cams, JWT pistons, CAI, Header, etc)

I want something fairly quiet and not ridiculously expensive. Someone mentioned getting a Remus.. any ideas?

I thought about buying Dynamat to line the trunk with but the stuff is $140+ plus, and for that price, might as well get a new muffler.
2012-01-27 09:06:59
Originally Posted by Storm88000
The current 2.5" catback w/ straight thru muffler on my '93 SE-R is *RIDICULOUSLY* loud. So loud I can't stand it and it makes me not want to drive the car.

I need a recommendation for another muffler that is quieter, even if it has a silencer in it.

I don't want to go to a stock muffer and choke off the engine (have JWT cams, JWT pistons, CAI, Header, etc)

I want something fairly quiet and not ridiculously expensive. Someone mentioned getting a Remus.. any ideas?

I thought about buying Dynamat to line the trunk with but the stuff is $140+ plus, and for that price, might as well get a new muffler.

dynomax vt over 4L

have it on my car, dead quiet full 3" back
2012-01-27 09:08:54
So it really does work? Did you just cut it to fit the trunk, or is it in other places (against the rear seats, etc)

Also, 1 layer, or more?
2012-01-27 11:26:51
Originally Posted by Storm88000
So it really does work? Did you just cut it to fit the trunk, or is it in other places (against the rear seats, etc)

Also, 1 layer, or more?

He said Dynomax, not dynamat. Dynomax is an exhaust company.

2012-01-27 11:58:39
ive got a 3" turbo dynamax muffler for sale ill snap some pics of it this weekend if your interested.
2012-01-27 16:51:13
I think JWT pistons are just oem Nissan 10:1 flat top pistons. No?

You can fit a lot of muffler in there you'll see once you get under tehre and have a look. One thing to note; make sure they weld the hangers to the seams of the muffler. A big muffler w a hanger just tacked up to the middle of the skin of the can of the muffler is asking for trouble.

A lot of guys on this board like the vibrant mufflers.

I currently have 2.5" system w an oval shaped magnaglow w magnaflow resonator/cat. Still a bit loud but tolerable.

My plan is to throw a 65mm Apexi WS-2 muffler on it.
2012-01-27 16:58:10
OBX/Forza pan, I know the brans is not the best but these mufflers are dope as quiet.
2012-01-27 17:32:43
sti muffler is also an option.
2012-01-27 18:02:01
Originally Posted by Keo
sti muffler is also an option.

Second that. Will need some love with fitment, but you will never hear your muffler from inside again.
2012-01-27 18:28:06
Get a Vibrant man. Mine is paired with the 2.5 magnaflow glasspack I already had on it. It went from drag strip loud to pleasant, but still an aggressive note. Just at a lower tone. I can have a conversation with passengers now, but still hear a little rumble when I rev it up.

I got mine from Amazon for $99.98 shipped in 2 days. All other places are selling for well over $100. Usually around $150.
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