Odd Issue: Plugs read lean car using excessive fuel.
I have been chasing an odd timing issue on my P10 race car and have a new symptom...
during a 20 lap (5 mile) feature even i used 5 gallons of gas, yes that is 1mpg...I can usually run 2 weekends of practice, heat races and the feature on 5 gallons.
so I do my post race plug check...the plugs read a lean condition...my timing is set at 15*'s but I have to retard my distributor nearly all the way to get it there, power is good, not great and I get an off throttle bucking from time to time...
anyone with thoughts? possible MAF? timing related?
during a 20 lap (5 mile) feature even i used 5 gallons of gas, yes that is 1mpg...I can usually run 2 weekends of practice, heat races and the feature on 5 gallons.
so I do my post race plug check...the plugs read a lean condition...my timing is set at 15*'s but I have to retard my distributor nearly all the way to get it there, power is good, not great and I get an off throttle bucking from time to time...
anyone with thoughts? possible MAF? timing related?