so i verified that the cam/crank timing is correct.. YAY ME! got it on the first time an didn't have to touch it
i swapped my spark plug cables on there an the weird miss @ idle went away.. we also timed it to 15* using a timing light..
did a warm compression test with throttle open an only got 150 across all 4 cylinders, it had more before
buut at least it was really consistent smack dab on 150.
took the car for a drive an still the same shit it just doesn't want to make it to red line an it feels like a pussy..
so after more inspection we noticed the #4 injector was intermittently working, sometimes it would sound like a subie, sometimes it wouldn't.. so changed it out an it seemed to work fine at first then we went for a drive an now its got this crazy bog/hesitation bull shit going on.. PISSED!
gonna take a test light to the injector plug and if no juice going to swap out for another ecu.. if still no juice we're going to rewire that injector.
then HOPEFULLY the son of a bitch will run properly.. i really dont think theres an issue with the engine itself, it sounds good when idles right an when revved, no weird sounds or anything.. so we'll see, i'll keep yall posted..
heres a few pics..
dont mind the dark colored links not matchin the sprockets, engines been ran so yeah..
10 an 12 o'clock and 20 pins and 11 links