Not without welding, now if you had a blank billet to grind it would be fine. Saying that cams are welded and ground all the time as long as they know what they are doing.
I still don't see why the cam can't be repaired? The cam bolt goes way into the cam, I would say maybe halfway into the first journal, so the cam gear will be held properly axially, the dowel pin has to take the brunt of the rotational force, some will be transfered by friction to the entire face of course but we have to think worst case.
similar method used to weld and regrind can be appled to repair the damage, they would have to remove dowel pin, open up that crack into the dowel hole, weld all the way into the dowel hole then machine back to spec and redrill dowell hole
drill new dowel hole at 180 deg to the original and use the cam as is, the crack cannot travel any more because the back of it has been opened by the chip broken off and it is stopped from going into the cam by the dowell hole.
that's the way I see it anyways