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Thread: HCR sr20de build dyno runs.

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2008-02-17 05:06:45
^ definitly a good point i totally forget he got that too, with that afc and the header he should definitly get over 180
2008-02-17 16:38:58
Originally Posted by Robchaos

New dyno! Significant increase in Tq (+10), minor increase in HP (+2).

Cam gears were set at +3 -3 for that one. Anyone have any further input? Should I advance the intake gear any more then it is or leave it?

From my understanding, when I tighten the lobes and set more overlap, that is really only going to affect my Tq, and not the HP. Correct?

Hopefuly when I finally get that 2.5" ssac header next weak that will push me up over 180 HP, and I also have an SAFC on the way that I just bought yesterday. :biggthump
More dynos coming in the next week or two!

thats ****ing impressive, great numbers.

2008-02-17 16:47:41
I'd like to see where the power actually drops off. Guess I'll see when I do mine lol.
2008-02-17 16:59:59
IAG is emailing me the actual dynojet files on monday hopefully. I will have a graph that goes up to 8K RPM. IIRC the peak was a bit before that.
2008-02-18 03:59:40
man, this is making me want to hold off on my turbo and build a N/A.
2008-02-21 00:49:05
For some reason, even on the dynojet run file the graphs still cut off at 7K, if someone can tell me how to fix that I'd appreciate it. Anyways here is a cap of my best dyno run from my first dyno,
and my best dyno run from my most recent dyno.

Even though I only had a peak gain of 10 Tq and 2 HP, if you look at the graph, between about 4.5K to 6K RPM I had a total gain of 15-20 WHP and 12-15 Ft/Lb of TQ. I think that is pretty impressive. I still think that my peak HP would be higher if they could figure out how to get the graph to go past 7K. Does anyone think that I could benefit from even more overlap, or should I leave it as is?

Next dyno will be coming in 11 days! My SAFC is scheduled for delivery tomorrow, and my ssac will hopefully be here sometime next week, and if not, I will be able to borrow someone elses and just give them mine when it comes in.
2008-02-21 02:38:50
go for a bit more over lap, all motor loves it as long as the set up is right.

the bc3 cams are pretty big so give it a shot.

2008-02-21 02:41:13
I'll see how I do in a couple weeks with the safc and ssac header, then I'll wait untill we have an sr20forum dyno day to set some more overlap.

I wish it wasn't so damn expensive to dyno tune! I'd spend the day there and just try every possible setting if I could afford it. for right now I am just sticking with +3,-3 but later on I might try +5-5 or +5 -3. I want to see how I do with my safc and ssac 2.5" header. The header alone should push me up above 180.
2008-02-21 04:42:41
Lol I'm going to be paying $200 an hour for my dyno time. That's with them tuning the car via calumsult. Two tunes, one NA one spraying. AND we'll have to tune the cam gears. I'm about to drop quite a bit just into tuning. It's worth it though to me. For the safety more than power.
2008-02-21 04:47:51
I'm taking one trip back to the dyno this winter, and thats to set my AFR using the safc. I might just put my gears at +5,-3 sometime this week just for the hell of it.
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