173.21 HP 136.13 Tq --------169.93 HP 134.86 Tq
Had my car dynod today. I am happy with the results, but I think I can squeeze more out of it. Everyone give me your input.
These runs were with my cam gears set at +2 int, 0 exh.
I have a 2.25" collecter header into a 3" exhaust.
Brian Crower Stage 3 cams s&r
I have a SSAC with the 2.5" collecter that should be here this week as well.
The reason I have a 3" exhaust is because I obtained it cheap enough to make it worth my while over paying $400+ for a 2.5" piping kit. Still I am wondering whether the 3" helps or detracts as compared to my 2.25" exh.
Does anyone know more about this? My theory is that with the larger exhaust, I might get the same gains as with the smaller, yet not have to retard my exhaust cam as much due to the freer flowing exhaust already helping add to the scavenging effect.
Does anyone have any input on cam gear settings for me? I am thinking of trying +3 int, -1 exhaust.