Originally Posted by
jonathonthe other guy could of just typed the web sites and have been done with it.
But then we'd still have the same problem. They are trying to teach you how to fish. We don't want to have to hand fish over to people all day long over here. We want you to do some leg work too. Every time someone posts the same old thing and they get an answer instead of "go search" we are inviting this sort of thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It gets tiresome and a lot of us don't want to deal with it day in and day out. We know if we help you in any way other than telling you to go search, we'll have another person just like you coming in here tomorrow asking the same old thing. And another, and another. And we would have no one to blame but ourselves.
A simple "I searched my best but couldn't find anything." at the opening of the first post would have been plenty good enough. Provided you did actually search and find nothing.