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Thread: What about this header??

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2009-09-23 13:13:35
^Worth that all day long. If I didn't have a ASP header, I would jump on that for a VE build.
2009-09-23 13:28:32
im thinking about testing this header out compared to the ssac i have now but the only thing i dont like is the way the 1st and 4th cyling piping is done. It looks the turns on the bottom towards the merge are tight. Anyone have any input on that
2009-09-23 13:34:42
Here is what im talking about:

Any input on that?
2009-10-01 03:22:10
Any more info bout this header?
2010-01-24 01:06:25
has anyone tried this header on there ve?
2010-01-24 06:05:22
Hey guys lets not for get we have a forum vendor currently trying to develop a header for us. "Mazworx" promised that they will give us the most gains for the dollar with their header. If anything you want to keep these guys around here.
2010-01-24 07:30:44
Originally Posted by Topdog781
Hey guys lets not for get we have a forum vendor currently trying to develop a header for us. "Mazworx" promised that they will give us the most gains for the dollar with their header. If anything you want to keep these guys around here.

For those that can afford it, sure.
2010-01-24 08:41:20
Originally Posted by blackb15
For those that can afford it, sure.

shiot I can't I still make it work somehow.
2010-01-24 15:19:21
Originally Posted by se-riousjdm
Any input on that?
It could be better, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not any tighter than the other bends, just 45 degrees more of it. My main worry would be the cross-fire merging. I have no idea why they did that.
2010-01-24 21:03:16
Originally Posted by se-riousjdm
Here is what im talking about:

Any input on that?

Honestly I think they did that so that number 4 pipe does not bang the cross member Thats the only reason I can think of ,the pipe still looks like it ends up the same length.
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