Originally Posted by
sr20ve-t ok... first of all, the budget ASP was NEVER stainless. If you want to read about it go ahead. The link is on the original sr20forum and it holds all the info. Second of all you can PM the guy who made it yourself. I even have payment info I can forward to you for confirmation. LASTLY i dont like it that you come on here and dont even talk to me about it before you go and semi-blast the header you just bought from me. Get your shit straight Matt. If you had or still have questions about it, hit me up.
simma down Aaron!
When a guy has a question about a product's authenticity, going to the seller is (to me) the last place he should look to find sound advice. No offense to you. But, I like unbiased observations, opinions and fact sharing when I have a concern. I still never accused you of anything, and I certainly don't think most readers of this thread knew who I bought it from, and as soon as they let me know everything is all right, you're in the clear.. So why get worried?
when I saw that "made in china" sticker on the flex pipe, I started to freak a bit. I just had two beers and two shots at The Mercury Lounge and came home to this header I'd been waiting on. Plus there are other things about the header that had me worried.
like you suggested, I sent Snickers PM's on both forums a week ago... no response. I was hoping he could provide me an ASP logo to have welded on.. He hasn't responded yet.
There were a few things that really got me wondering that I didn't know about the header.
1) It doesn't have an ASP logo (this was the only thing "semi-fishy" that I knew prior to purchase)
2) You were scrubbing the rust off of it the other day, I had NO IDEA it wasn't stainless. Why wouldn't they use stainless steel? So these first two together, I started getting suspicious. I didn't want to show any fret while you still had it in your possession. bargaining power ya know?
so finally i have the header in my possession.
3) it is HEAVY - feels like it weighs twice or three times as much as the SSAC, I was not expecting this either..
4) see pic #3 - there is part where the primaries are welded into what i'm guessing is called the secondaries - the piping is bigger on the secondaries.. I figured this would all be one piece, same size all the way down.
5) the "Made in China" sticker sent me over the top. Not that the welding was done in China.. but I just couldn't see Snickers leaving that sticker on there from the flex pipe before he shipped it to you.
all of those things added up to make me a bit worried..
no one on this thread knew who i bought it from until you responded to my post a minute ago...
it's not like I left you negative feedback before finding out more info. If I get some feedback from others, and all is good, then it's no biggie.. at least not to me.. I apologize if you wanted me to come to you first, but to me, that's just a waste of time I suppose. I dunno. if I had good people skills i guess I wouldn't be the forum's resident 35-year-old-dip-shit....
PIC #1
this really threw me for a loop. I haven't left negative feedback or nothing. Don't fret.
PIC #2
the welding was "less-steller" than I was expecting. I guess it's from a hand-made header instead of one made on an assembly line.
PIC #3
there is part where the primaries are welded into what i'm guessing is the secondaries - the piping is bigger on the secondaries.. I figured this would all be one piece.
PIC #4
the third primary from the left sticks out way further, i thought they all needed to have a more similar length and this surprised me.
PIC #5
I guess this is my first real experience with "hand made" header. I have only bought an SSAC header and I had a Hot Shot header on my NX back in '07. This looks "lesser" than I was expecting in regard to build quality.
PIC #6
serious kittah porn
PIC #7
that looked more "janky" than I expected (hand made stuff I'm a newb to this dammit, i've been around SR20's for 14 years, but engine mods are new to me still.)