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Thread: Question about nx2000 engine

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2009-04-18 19:33:18
Question about nx2000 engine
I am fairly new to the world of mechanics and have a question about my nx2000 engine. I notice that most of the pictures I have seen on engines in nx2000 are missing a piece that mine still has. What is the benefit of getting rid of it and is it hard to remove? It is between the top of the engine and the top of the radiator right above the exhaust manifold I think. The reason I am trying to figure out what it is for is because I want to install an performance air filter which requires me to get rid of the air filter box and there is another hose coming from the box into that piece.

Thanks in advance.

2009-04-18 22:25:03
?? post pics.

Is you car running fine?
2009-04-18 22:28:36
2009-04-18 22:29:30
Originally Posted by bizkidd05
I am fairly new to the world of mechanics and have a question about my nx2000 engine. I notice that most of the pictures I have seen on engines in nx2000 are missing a piece that mine still has. What is the benefit of getting rid of it and is it hard to remove? It is between the top of the engine and the top of the radiator right above the exhaust manifold I think. Thanks in advance.

You are talking about the air pump. It is an emmissions thing that has nothing to do with the running of the car.
2009-04-18 23:04:20
Originally Posted by Andreas
You are talking about the air pump. It is an emmissions thing that has nothing to do with the running of the car.

Can I get rid of this piece or will it make my engine stop. Thanks.
2009-04-18 23:10:14
Originally Posted by bizkidd05
Can I get rid of this piece or will it make my engine stop. Thanks.

I an not answering anything more on this.

I think you need to go back and read your first post as you yourself answered your own question.
2009-04-19 04:13:26
lol air pump.. is that the black box that connects block and exhaust mani and valve cover ect? i always ditch those, knew they were for egr just wasnt sure on the name.. im glad the ve doesnt have one heh
2009-04-20 19:35:54
Originally Posted by lynchfourtwenty
lol air pump.. is that the black box that connects block and exhaust mani and valve cover ect? i always ditch those, knew they were for egr just wasnt sure on the name.. im glad the ve doesnt have one heh

Nothing to do with EGR !!

The silver valve is air injection , the smaller black box is a muffler for the air injection , the larger black box is the oil catch can .....

The Air injection can be removed , but its there for a reason , does NOT affect performance in any way !! Only helps keep the air clean ...
2009-04-20 20:23:13
well good to know thanks
2011-10-02 09:51:02
A.I.V air injection valve
Back from the dead

I need one of these to pass a visual on my smog. Pm if you have one.
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