Originally Posted by
^How you liking them? You put those JWT cam gears on them bad boys? I would like to see the S4 comparison on your setup from this. I thought about putting BC3's in my daily, but I wasn't sure how they idled.
They idle fine around 950~1050rpm. Any less, and they're obviously lopey. I haven't slapped the JWT cam gears on them yet. Just tossed them in the car and it's being picked up tomorrow, so the cam gears will be installed once I get up to CT in the next couple weeks.
Car screams above 5Krpm, that's for damn sure. Really hard fight with torque steer and lane drifting. Need to dial in the cams when the car gets tuned, though.

Originally Posted by
I will guess that people that own these cars are usually cheap (I know I am) and would rather just get cams instead of cams and gears or springs and retainers (how backwards that may sound, thats what some want to do, just drop in cams)
This makes me scratch my head... It's just as cheap to get S/R and cams from BC, as it is to go JWT and get just cams. The additional cost (REGARDLESS), comes from dyno tuning.
TBH, it had nothing to do with costs (well, almost nothing), for me. I saw Nick was selling BC cams, and decided to get them. I just wanted something different. Hell if he were selling PONCAM's or Kelfords, I probably would have bought them just to see what could be done with them. I know JWT's are worth every penny, because they have R&D behind them. That doesn't mean that they should be the only CAM dealer I should buy from...
Anyhow, that's another subject all together that should be left unheard.