forget it. If you aren't answering my simple 'what is this head temperature' thing you're talking about, then it's not worth the time answering yours. I'm not an idiot, nor did I wish to have this off topic conversation in this thread - I put in the highport because I can afford it and I'm in canada and can't sell it and buy a $300 motor, the closest thing I can get here is $580 +$150 shipping. End of story.
Now please, unless you are going to answer my question, the 'why did you put a highport into a b15 because this, that, and the other thing' conversation is over. It's in, it's running, and I need to adjust something to get it just right.
Gosh, it's like talking to a politician, a straight answer to a straight question "The 'X' sensor is located 'Y' on the lowport, which doesn't exist on the highport, how did you connect that"
"Oh, I did 'x' to compensate"
"gosh I didnt think of that, I'll do that right now"
Now please, unless you are going to answer my question, the 'why did you put a highport into a b15 because this, that, and the other thing' conversation is over. It's in, it's running, and I need to adjust something to get it just right.
Gosh, it's like talking to a politician, a straight answer to a straight question "The 'X' sensor is located 'Y' on the lowport, which doesn't exist on the highport, how did you connect that"
"Oh, I did 'x' to compensate"
"gosh I didnt think of that, I'll do that right now"