it goes to the rear right hand side of the rocker cover where that black pipe comes out, you will have to plug up where the pipe goes into the intake manifold see my pic here
there not really any use at all, i only used it cause i changed my intake pipe and had nowhere to vent into
Join Date: 2008-01-30 Location: Sydney Australia Posts: 520 Trader Score: 0 (0%)
Originally Posted by Char Best to read up on the forums about this issue... It is unwise to leave that venting, its metered air and will cause your car to run rich and lean. I didnt believe it was such an issue.. until I did a little test. I did exactly as damienga15de has his, driving my car around town would cause it to backfire between shifts. Stopped, ran the tube back, and drove it the same way, no backfires. Its obvious the ECU already read that air and expects it to be there, so it adds more fuel. Without the air, the car is dumping unburnt fuel and youre running rich.
If youre really worried about oil in the intake (I would be too) then I would see about putting some kind of catch can in line. Just make sure it will allow air flow both ways and still separate oil. That line will both pull air out of the valve cover as well as feed air in.
Oh, and one you should really worry about, is the line between the PCV and the intake. I put a catch can on that one and I need to empty it every oil change. Its a one way line though, so you can just go to a hardware store and get a oil separator for air compressors.
I dont agree with what you have said about the "unmetered air"/
The ecu sure knows how much air has flown through, but what if you have worn rings, or excessive compression. This will cause blowby, which pumps air back into the intake. Last i knew the ecu did not have laser sensors int he bore to detect surface quality and ring edge thickness
If you install a VC breather, then you will be leaking some metered air into the atmosphere, along with some oil that will constantly drip from the breather.
There is a reason to why the VC connects to the intake.
I think the only safe way to have a breather is by eliminating the PCV system. So basically the PCV valve will have to be atmosphered also. We covered this a while back with Danja, search the General section for more info