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Thread: NOT your basic idle issue.

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2009-02-10 02:43:11
Originally Posted by canx2k
ok, so here's the new situation.

I fixed all intake leaks. now, with all vaccum lines plugged, it doesn't start. great! plugged in, and it starts/idles briefly. sounds like it's idleing fine, no missfires, or stumbling, then after 15 seconds of running, it dies.

I've tried it with and without the maf plugged in, does the same thing. I've measured the voltage on the tps at closed throttle (REMEMBER THIS IS A B15 with an auto tranny, so the tps is a 2 connection thing) - It reads 5.12V at closed throttle. I think this might be the issue but I have no idea how to test it. Any ideas?

Tried with TPS unplugged?

I will look up TPS wiring now too.

edit: I don't see any differentiation between auto and manual in FSM for TPS... Do you have 2 - 3 wire plugs?
2009-02-10 14:31:46
tps with 2 - 3 wire plugs, yes.

I've tried with the tps removed, it doesnt make a difference. Also worth mentioning is it reads 5.12V all the way through the throttle from closed to open. I wonder if I'm better off using the b13 tps because it doesn't need that vaccum seloniod thing that was on the b15 throttle body...I dont understand what the thing does, but it completes a circuit of some kind...
2009-02-10 15:54:02
Originally Posted by canx2k
tps with 2 - 3 wire plugs, yes.

I've tried with the tps removed, it doesnt make a difference. Also worth mentioning is it reads 5.12V all the way through the throttle from closed to open. I wonder if I'm better off using the b13 tps because it doesn't need that vaccum seloniod thing that was on the b15 throttle body...I dont understand what the thing does, but it completes a circuit of some kind...

There is 1 wire on each plug that will read 5.12V all the time. IIRC middle wire on both.
2009-02-10 18:21:46
hmm...ok, well i'll test the other 2 wires and see...I'm getting confused now why it's dying like that - With the maf connected or disconnected makes no difference.

Is it possible to do an idle relearn without having the car running? I can't set timing or anything because it dies so quickly.
2009-02-12 19:58:31
**** it. this is too much of a pain in the ass to get working right - I'm buying a totalled off 01' and swapping the head and calling it a f'n day.
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