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Thread: What are the best plug wires?

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2009-01-04 08:41:02
What are the best plug wires?
What are the best spark plugs available to ues on a SR20de/SR20ve?
2009-01-07 05:08:49
from what miko said the ultra wires are the best.. then from what i read on the forum the NGK blues or stock wires are the best

here is a pic of the ultras..

you can get lucky and get these on a jdm motor or you can buy them new from a site. i will find it for you in a sec but there like 100+ dollars
2009-01-07 05:15:49
beat you

Originally Posted by beefyvvl
Hey guys just wanna let you know this company can get those Ultra Wire Andreas was talking about for the sr20ve motor. $115.99 + s/h straight from japan. Here's the link ULTRA - Silicone Power Plug Wire - Nengun Performance


just so happens jen that you were the last person to post in that thread
2009-01-07 05:41:51
I payed $173.56 shipped to California. I have them in my car right now and no problems so far. I had them installed the same time I put in my Thermoblock spacers. I'll post up pics tomorrow after I get off work. I have them in my sr20ve though. Not sure if they're engine specific. I'm sure if you write them what motor it's for they will find it for you and give you a price. Thats what I did.
2009-01-07 05:50:51
is there a set, for the DE...I only see "Nissan - Premera - WHP11 - SR20VE"
2009-01-07 05:53:54
Originally Posted by CalHasLostVegas
is there a set, for the DE...I only see "Nissan - Premera - WHP11 - SR20VE"

WHP11 wires are the same as B14 wires, which are the same as 00-02 RR B15-P11 wires
2009-01-07 06:37:21
i dont even know which ones i got. they were on a nx that been sitting at my shop for a while before i knew what they were. and i sure was the last person to post wasent i lol
2009-01-07 06:41:44
sorry if im narrow headed, but this will work on my B13?
2009-01-07 08:36:17
Originally Posted by beefyvvl
I payed $173.56 shipped to California. I have them in my car right now and no problems so far. I had them installed the same time I put in my Thermoblock spacers. I'll post up pics tomorrow after I get off work. I have them in my sr20ve though. Not sure if they're engine specific. I'm sure if you write them what motor it's for they will find it for you and give you a price. Thats what I did.

Any noticeable difference in performance for what you paid for them? Just curious.
2009-01-07 11:28:16
If you guys cant find any U12, B13 or P10 Ultra wires then just order what you can get.

I have alot of these wires sitting aorund and I can make the coil wires for you guys.
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