We've also added a new wrinkle to our "Give 10" promotion.
Originally, we were offering a 6 month warranty extension for any customer who completed the requirements of the promotion, but now, you have a choice of
free options!
Basically, all you have to do is this. Give us 10 minutes of your time to write out and post a 200-word review of the 14point7 SLC Pure Plus, and post it on ANY AUTOMOTIVE FORUM. (Doesn't have to be this forum, although it would be a great benefit to our community if you did!). Once you've posted it, email the review, a link to the forum it's posted on, and your name to [email]TOALAN@14POINT7.COM[/email], and you'll be eligible for EITHER a 6 month warranty extension OR a blue 3-digit LED 52mm external gauge - (a $50.00 value). I've posted an example below!
Either way, by participating in the "Give 10" promotion, you've got nothing to lose, and all of us at 14point7 and the Acadiana Sports Car Orphanage are glad to offer these options for your time!
Check out our full page ad in this month's issue of Nissan Sport magazine!