ok here goes convention shirts are now available for pre orders
size S-XL will be $20ea
size XXL and up will be $23ea
please send payments to [email]sr2016convention@aol.com[/email]
add pay pal fee if applicable or you may send as gift
comment when done so I can update the list shirts will be given out at convention or if you want it can be shipped at buyers expense I can put in a flat rate post office box which is about $5/$6 this will be done after all pre orders are filled
size S-XL will be $20ea
size XXL and up will be $23ea
please send payments to [email]sr2016convention@aol.com[/email]
add pay pal fee if applicable or you may send as gift
comment when done so I can update the list shirts will be given out at convention or if you want it can be shipped at buyers expense I can put in a flat rate post office box which is about $5/$6 this will be done after all pre orders are filled

Last edited by Wheelz
on 2016-06-10
at 18-08-53.