Originally Posted by
LOUROK Any ideas welcomedIs the only issue the lack of instructors?
I honestly thought for the past few years we had basically provided our own instructors with maybe one or two exceptions? Maybe I'm wrong?
We have enough experienced track participants that I believe we could easily cover the novices with instructors from our own group.
Is that an option? If so, then we should be all set, right?
(Maybe I shouldn't get into this, but we have some novices, and a bunch of advanced drivers/instructors. The thinnest group is the intermediate group. I understand that for logistic reasons we still run an intermediate group, but from what I've seen the intermediate folks are (with one or two exceptions that really belong in novice still) perfectly capable to run with the advanced group. At some point in our evolution it might make sense to run one group for novices, and
two for the advanced/instructors with no real intermediate run group. Our "club" moves very slowly promoting or encouraging people to move from intermediate to advanced. We also move very slowly in expecting people to instruct. From my personal observations almost everyone who runs intermediate is well above that level now. I'm not saying everyone who is an advanced driver is suited to instruct, but you will be surprised at how much you have to offer to a novice once you get into the car with one. Sorry for getting so off topic.)