Geesus H, I leave for awhile and the place goes to shit with a bunch of whining nancys!
I personally think running the karts is a better option for 95% of the folks in this community. As glamorous as running you own car on a track sounds, trust me, it's frickin work and it's not cheap.

It's way easier to pay a flat fee and whip the snot out of someone else's equipment and just walk away when you're done.

It's also quite a bit safer, includes a wider participation level and it's competitive. Ask anyone in the feature race at last year's karting event...that shit was hardcore! You ain't gonna get that at a FATT day.
Anyone who thinks the Convention is about running car on a track has never been to one. There's a whole bunch of cool people that go. A lot of them, myself included, don't post much anymore. Just hanging out and shooting the shit is the best part....that and the
Just go. You'll be happy you did.