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Last year being my first convention, all I can say is that it was more about meeting new people, hanging out and getting drunk in the parking lot and admiring old econoboxes. And BTW yes, I drove my 23 yr old car with uncomfortable seats, bouncy suspension and loud exhaust for almost 450 miles, hell I broke down on the way and guess what, total strangers that I just met up heading there helped me find and fix the problem. From that moment I knew what the convention is about: COMMUNITY.
Hell yea I had un at the drag strip watching our car go down the track, and I was mad that there was no Track day, but we made the best of it. Having that go kart day was a blessing in disguise because not all of us have track cars and that was a hell f a fun day, rain and everything.
I have a few years on you. I really prefer modern technology and comfort for long distances. Hence I would drive the tahoe and tow the SE-R.
I'm not into getting drunk anymore, or stay up to all hours of the night bullshitting. Different strokes for different folks, and that's fine.
I degree to some extent about the COMMUNITY. YES, it is about the community --- until you get some jackasses starting nonsense. It is not only me that feels this way. I can name a few people on this THREAD that have PM'd me or Texted me saying that there have been "thugs" or "hostile dickheads" taken part of the convention. That does happen and puts a bad vibe out there for others. Maybe we need more PPL with balls to stand up and tell these idiots to get the hell out of here??? (I did and everyone coward'd away).

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we all get as many of these econoboxes as we can into one place so we can admire them and talk shit and maybe run 'em a little.
That is very well said!
Some of these cars are nearly 25 years old. Hard to believe some are in fine condition and there is still a community around.

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Not coming to the event as a whole because one portion is missing is counterproductive.
Counterproductive? Perhaps. However, last time I went to an event and brought a vehicle other than an old Nissan, I got slammed, mocked at, shit talked to, etc. I will NOT make that mistake again.
....and driving a 20 year old vehicle with a loud exhaust, uncomfortable seats, and bouncy suspension, over 500 miles is not something I want to do just to "park it" so people can say, wow, good looking Nissan. If I am going through all that effort, i'm damn well going to drive the old bitch on the track!
The convention is an old tradition. Old. yup. These cars are getting OLD. New members are coming in, new owners are buying these old cars. The whole community is changing. That's the good ole truth. I venture the convention will NEVER be what it was back in the day.
What this ultimately boils down to is having separate events. This is what is going to happen when all aspects of the sr20 convention are not covered. So let the north have their drag races, the south - road courses, and the west....whatever they do. Go where you want and call it done.
I think that there is really a lot of animosity from you. I'll tell you I am younger (I am 28 years old.) When the NJ convention was cancelled a few years back myself, @happynole and @marksr20 stepped up. If I had heard someone poking fun at you a few years back just because of the car you drove I would of been the first person to say something to them. To say the convention will never be what it was back in the day is correct. Every year it has gotten better and better and will continue to for as long as I have something to do with it. I'm truly sorry that you got heckled one year. That being said I don't know that I have seen you at conventions since. I'm not trying to be rude in saying that but if you haven't been to the convention in few years I don't think you have any right to comment. Especially as you may not realize everything that is involved in pulling off a major event like this. I'm not the one that pissed in you cereal, I am the guy that is going to urge you to come back and check it out even if there is no track day. If you are going based on the track day you are truly missing what the convention is about. BTW there are plenty of older guys that go each and every year and they know the convention is only getting better. Don't believe me ask them @ShawnB @Hammerinhank @Fatboyse-r.
@Kyle and @Boostlee I get what you are saying, however organizing an event while working a full time job it tough. When I helped plan to the CT Convention I was on the phone nightly, sometimes for 3 hours at at a time for about a month straight. I also work a full time job but don't have a family like @Madtech. Give this man a break he will respond I promise that, just like the highway signs say let them work let them live.
YES, indeed. I strongly concur, there is a tremendous amount of animosity from me. I have explained why in previous posts. I'm definitely not the only one. Again, I have had PM's, TEXTS, and Phone calls from others that are 100% on the same page as me. Though they may choose not to voice their opinions as much as I do. --Which is fine.
2013 was the year I was harassed and heckled. I missed the 2014 convention due to the cancellation of the track day, had every intention of going. I appreciate your offer about being the first one to say something when someone is getting harassed/heckled. Again, I did say something to the crowd. I parked my car, walked over to the stands - all by myself. Not one of the little bastards admitted to it OR apologized for it. I took on the crowd of 10-15 assholes all by myself...and nobody else stepped in to help me. So yes, I have ANIMOSITY, not only for the heckling, but for the 2nd year in a row of no track day. I have an old SE-R just for the convention. Not because I really like the car, I would much rather have 400 horsepower and RWD to drive on a track, and piggyback to a dragstrip. So I pay tag, insurance, maintenance, AND store this SE-R for 11 months, 3 weeks and 3 days, out of the year so I can enjoy it over a 4 day convention. Again, yes, animosity. Quite frankly, i'm a little pissed at it all of this and it does show.... It may come off as abrasive and I apologize for that. I should try and keep it more productive and it may be more difficult to translate that over a keyboard.
Now, to address your comments about not being at the convention for a few years I don't have a right to comment. NOT TRUE. I was at the 2013 convention. I have every right to voice a concern.
To address your comment about not knowing what is involved in organizing the convention. Are you kidding me??? I'm the one that said it is a tremendous amount of work involved. I offered the LLC advise to anyone taking on this task, since LLC's are typically required with renting a track. Good gosh, nothing personal my friend, but I have quite a few years on you and have been managed, directed, and lead multi-million dollar companies into better paths. I know what is involved, I watched JOE (happynole) do it twice. It's a ton of work, I would not want that responsibility....because I do not believe I could give it 100% effort at the moment. However, I would be absolutely willing to assist an organizer in completing some tasks, or assist them with direction like I did with the LLC aspects.
So please, lets not take needless pokes at each other and say you don't have a right to comment or voice an opinion. I do appreciate the comments and concerns however. I will lighten up on my animosity moving forward.