Originally Posted by
we all get as many of these econoboxes as we can into one place so we can admire them and talk shit and maybe run 'em a little.
That is very well said!
Some of these cars are nearly 25 years old. Hard to believe some are in fine condition and there is still a community around.

Originally Posted by
Not coming to the event as a whole because one portion is missing is counterproductive.
Counterproductive? Perhaps. However, last time I went to an event and brought a vehicle other than an old Nissan, I got slammed, mocked at, shit talked to, etc. I will NOT make that mistake again.
....and driving a 20 year old vehicle with a loud exhaust, uncomfortable seats, and bouncy suspension, over 500 miles is not something I want to do just to "park it" so people can say, wow, good looking Nissan. If I am going through all that effort, i'm damn well going to drive the old bitch on the track!
The convention is an old tradition. Old. yup. These cars are getting OLD. New members are coming in, new owners are buying these old cars. The whole community is changing. That's the good ole truth. I venture the convention will NEVER be what it was back in the day.
What this ultimately boils down to is having separate events. This is what is going to happen when all aspects of the sr20 convention are not covered. So let the north have their drag races, the south - road courses, and the west....whatever they do. Go where you want and call it done.