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Thread: Pitt Race Kart Track Rental

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2014-05-22 20:11:37
I'm not complaining BTW, for all I care we can drive to NYC LoL . I'm on vacation so the more I see of the country, the better for me.
2014-05-22 20:16:18
Bring your Go Pros and what have you. I think it would be pretty cool to see a collected video replay of all the angles of different cams and stuff. I'm assuming latching them on to the carts is an acceptable practice...
2014-05-22 20:49:49
Originally Posted by marksr20
I can guarantee there will be some match ups that will need video to determine winners!

Hopefully Robs son participates. It would be great to see the kids out there racing against each other (Joel, Brandon, and Miguel).

Is there a age limit at the track?
2014-05-22 23:50:58
If you plan on participating for the karting day, please send payment of $99.00 to sr2014.ohio@gmail.com

We need payments in advance for a down payment to secure the rental of the track day.

2014-05-23 01:14:28
I have a few friends interested in coming out with me. But I doubt they're willing to pay in advance. I will though. Can they pay there?
2014-05-23 03:24:01
Originally Posted by eggman
Too bad we cant run our cars on that track...LOL

It's been done before. They used to do time trials for full size cars on it, but I think they were too much for it.

Originally Posted by SE-Rican
Originally Posted by hammerin
How long would the enduro be? I assume it would be teams with driver changes/ fuel stops etc.?

If we choose the time trial as individuals option, how long would we have the track for?


With either option they said it woul dtake about 4-5 hours. The enduro will be easier to organize due to the potential amount of people we could have and yes they will include driver changes at what not. I like the competition honestly. It can make for a interesting day.

As for newbs out on the track I can see what I can do.

I have some ideas for a split format with some open sessions/sprint races followed by an enduro for all. It's going to really depend on how many people sign up.

Originally Posted by SE-Rican
Still need some feed back from a few others!

You're slow, and I'm gonna show you the SRS. How's that?

Originally Posted by marksr20
I think the distance from the hotel and back is awesome. It will get us to drive our cars a little bit and enjoy the day

It's also in a really beautiful area. It's not a bad drive out there and back either. I do it often.

Originally Posted by mirrortints
Originally Posted by marksr20
I can guarantee there will be some match ups that will need video to determine winners!

Hopefully Robs son participates.

I don't want to go up against J....
2014-05-23 07:02:48
Yes we can accept payments the day of but, pre-payment would be great.

As for age limit you have to be 16 I believe. I will confirm.
2014-05-23 12:59:58
Originally Posted by SE-Rican
Yes we can accept payments the day of but, pre-payment would be great.

As for age limit you have to be 16 I believe. I will confirm.

I've been MIA, but I'm starting to think I might be able to make it now. Working on some plans.
2014-05-23 14:10:28
@speedricer would it be possible for you to send the money owed for the room to sr2014.ohio@gmail.com

Lemme know mang.
Last edited by 1fastser on 2014-05-23 at 15-53-35.
2014-05-24 00:45:04
Karting event paid listed in the first post of this thread. Below is the list that have prepaid so far. Thanks

1. Torry (ezcheese15)
2. Kyle (formally known as viperdude)
3. Mark Schoenholz (fatboyse-r)
4. morgans432
5. Rush
6. Jay Michaud (eggman)
7. Randy (ny5speed)
8. Nathaniel Wainwright
9. John Heer
10. Shawn b
11. hammerin hank (purchased 2 spots)
12. hammerin hank
13. James McColl (spnx)
14. Matt Ostlund (paNX2K&SE-R)
15. Warren Ostlund
16. Matt Mccrary (vqman)
17. Michael Hegar JR
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