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Thread: Pitt Race Kart Track Rental

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2014-05-22 12:59:52
Information on were to send trakc payments will be set up soon. Still need some feed back from a few others!
2014-05-22 15:30:00
Anyone have a link to their website? I tried Googling it but couldn't find it. Unless it's called something else.

And yes, I'm in for whatever we do. Enduro, open track, etc. I just want to drive something dammit
2014-05-22 15:31:16

Rentals | Pittsburgh International Race Complex
2014-05-22 15:33:30

Thanks. FYI, searching "Pitt Race gocarts Cleveland, OH" doesn't pull up anything in PA
2014-05-22 15:40:08
Count me in for sure this is going to be awesome!

Originally Posted by eggman
Too bad we cant run our cars on that track...LOL

They used to allow cars on it and I actually did have my old turbo SE-R on it a few years ago.
2014-05-22 16:31:27
edit: removed post.
Last edited by Storm88000 on 2014-05-22 at 17-50-55.
2014-05-22 17:43:29
I am going to say this once..... Keep the bullshit out of this thread.

We are dealing with enough stress right now so dealing with people bickering is not an option.
2014-05-22 18:39:58
It should be mentioned that this track is 1hr30min away from the hotel. Just did a quick good maps search and its some ways down.
2014-05-22 19:21:11
Originally Posted by OptimumSE-R
It should be mentioned that this track is 1hr30min away from the hotel. Just did a quick good maps search and its some ways down.

SR time = 1 hour
2014-05-22 20:05:37
I think the distance from the hotel and back is awesome. It will get us to drive our cars a little bit and enjoy the day. Then go beat the crap out of karts and have a blast racing each other in equally spec'd machines. Then go back to the hotel and do what we do best every convention night.

This decision to go with the kart track gets a lot more people involved than we usually do with the road course event. As much as I would of loved to been on nelsons it obviously is down for reasons that are out of our control. Be thankful that this happened while we werent on the track and it could of damaged property or physically hurt ourselves.

Pricing and payment details will be up shortly. We hope to see you all out there and I can guarantee there will be some match ups that will need video to determine winners!
Last edited by marksr20 on 2014-05-22 at 20-07-17.
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