So its a done deal? Thanks Nelson! Unreal. Lucky for them they're closing. But if someone is planning to reopen, bad idea, because who would ever schedule an event there knowing they would do this only a month before the date, when it had been planned since last fall?
And it's not just us, I'd assume all other events that were scheduled from here on out have been tossed too. No event organizer(s) would schedule for a large group in advance, start collecting money, etc. knowing the track could and would say "your date is cancelled sorry bye" and that's it. Oh wait, they said it's because some guy named Todd doesn't know how to manage the track, and we have the internet rumors of it being in bad shape and subordination/disagreements between the employees. Thanks Nelson.
It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and only one moment to destroy it.
Thanks Nelson! But a real thank you to you guys who have to *actually* put up with this crap. For most of us here, we just heard the news and are getting a refund, but for the organizers, they've got to actually deal with this first person, which I think was handled very well, because it's not easy to relay bad news simultaneously to a large group of people.
P.S. thank God that there ARE other tracks in the world, too.