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Thread: T- Shirts (teaser)

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2014-05-07 23:59:56
T- Shirts (teaser)
Gang here is our 2014 Convention Shirt. I am waiting on final pricing from the distributor. Once we have this we will start selling them and we will hand them out at the Convention. So please hold off on trying to send money and or trying to lock in your shirt. I will supply final details hopefully by the end of the week.

Thank you,


2014-05-08 00:20:44
2014-05-08 00:26:54
Women's cuts this year?
2014-05-08 14:43:10
cool design!
2014-05-08 16:28:49
2014-05-08 16:30:00
These are awesome! Well done, again!
2014-05-08 17:47:09
get some "tall" shirts so i'm not showing my belly to you whores..
2014-05-08 19:19:37
2014-05-08 19:49:57
Originally Posted by BenFenner
Women's cuts this year?

I will see what we can do.
2014-05-08 19:53:25
Shirts look awesome, i am not missing out this year.
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