2014 SR20 National Convention

Fellow forum members I am happy to announce that the 2014 SR20 National Convention is coming back to Ohio. After several conversations with Convention organizers we have decided that Ohio deserves another go. Ohio in 2012 was very successful and a lot of positive feedback was given after it was completed. Ohio seems to work well due to its centralized location and its options as far as race tracks. 2014 will have a similar outline as 2012 but, with a few changes, for the first time ever in Convention history 2014 will be a 4 day event!!!! The Convention will be a Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday type of thing. Convention dates are still TBD. We are shooting for late June/early July. We are still waiting on a few appointments/meetings to secure the dates.
This year’s main organizers are:
• SE-Rican
• Lourok
• MarkSR20
(Feel free to PM any of us for details in the upcoming weeks)
The outline for the 4 days will consist of the following and they are subject to change.
Wednesday: Meet & Greet (waiting on Hotel details)
Thursday: Road Course day Nelson’s Ledges dates TBD
Friday: Day time group scenic cruise with a destination TBD for lunch
Saturday: Drag day track still TBD
Sunday: Picnic 103rd OVI same location as last year
I will maintain this thread and update it as need be throughout the next several months. I will do my best to supply all the necessary information. I for one and I know I speak for my fellow organizers we are very damn excited to do this. Please keep all non essential chat out of this thread in order to keep this clean and easy to maintain. I appreciate everyone’s help with this. 2012 was very damn cool and I promise you all I personally will ensure that 2014 is just as bad ass if not better than 2012. We have a lot of real good ideas planned. I want this to be different. I promise you it will be.
Thank you!
Last edited by SE-Rican
on 2013-07-22
at 04-53-58.